Missionaries of
S. Antonio Maria Claret
Who we are
The foundation of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Anthony M. Claret took place in Londrina, on the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 1958, State of Paranà, Brazil. Having as Founders Archbishop Geraldo Fernandes Bijos, CMF and the Servant of God Mother Leonia Milito – two people ardent with apostolic zeal and great love for God and brothers – who wanted to respond to the needs of the mission and the signs of the times. We are called to collaborate with the Church in expanding the Kingdom of Christ throughout the world, meeting current needs and dedicating ourselves to apostolic, missionary and charitable activities.

“With goodness in your heart and a smile on your lips, you will overcome any difficulty and struggle, which are never lacking on the way to the Lord”.
Madre Leonia Milito
Our Mission
Our mission is part of the one evangelizing mission of the Church, serving her through spiritual and corporal works of mercy, using all possible means, especially the most appropriate, urgent and effective for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. Every Claretian offers her life to give herself to her brothers and sisters all over the world, announcing the Good News, serving the poor, the sick, children, the elderly, the marginalized with goodness and joy.